Bringing comfort back to your movement

Back Pain

Innovative treatment options for chronic back and lumbar pain.


Bringing comfort back to your movement

Innovative treatment options for chronic back and lumbar pain


Our commitment to improving pain management options places stem cell therapy at the leading edge of our services, providing a viable alternative to standard surgical procedures.

Understanding the devastating effects of persistent back pain, particularly in the lumbar area, our approach centers on stem cell treatment. This therapy uses the body’s intrinsic healing skills, including the regeneration capacity of stem cells, to restore damaged tissues in the spine, especially those that impact the spinal discs.

Stem Cell Injection Procedure

An skilled orthopedic surgeon performs our stem cell treatment technique for back and lumbar pain with cautious care. To assure the greatest level of safety and accuracy, we use fluoroscopy, a method that produces real-time X-ray pictures. 

Using radiological guidance, the surgeon may precisely target and inject stem cells straight into the injured lumbar disc. Such accuracy guarantees that stem cells are administered exactly where they are most needed, optimizing their regeneration potential.


The Best Sources of Stem Cells

At Phorma Medical, we think that employing high-quality stem cells results in the most successful therapeutic outcomes. 

Research and clinical experience have revealed that stem cells produced from umbilical cord tissue and adipose (fat) tissue are among the most effective for regenerative therapies. These stem cells have a strong proliferative ability and can develop into the many cell types needed to repair injured spinal structures.

Umbilical Cord Stem Cells: These stem cells are obtained from the umbilical cord during delivery, which is a safe procedure that does not affect either the mother or the kid. Umbilical cord stem cells are renowned for their high regeneration potential and minimal risk of rejection.

Adipose-derived Stem Cells: These stem cells, obtained from the patient’s own adipose tissue, are easily accessible and may be collected with little difficulty. Adipose-derived stem cells are very efficient in promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation.

Benefits of Precision-Guided Stem Cell Therapy

Expertise and Precision

This method, performed by trained orthopedic surgeons using modern fluoroscopic guidance, ensures that stem cell injections are given precisely and directly to the site of damage.

Safety and Efficacy

Using fluoroscopy reduces the hazards associated with injections, improving therapy safety and efficacy.

Regenerative and Restorative

By addressing the cause of pain with high-quality stem cells, this treatment promotes the natural repair of spinal tissues, with the potential for long-term alleviation and better spine function.

Minimum Downtime

Because this treatment is minimally invasive, along with the focused administration of stem cells, patients may recuperate quickly and resume their regular activities with minimum interruption.


At Phorma Medical, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge regenerative treatments for back and lumbar discomfort. Our innovative stem cell therapy, which is conducted with precision and care by our orthopedic surgeons under fluoroscopy supervision, represents a substantial advancement in pain management. 

If you’re looking for an effective, non-surgical way to relieve back pain, Phorma Medical invites you to explore the transformational power of stem cell treatment. Together, we want to restore your mobility and improve your quality of life, leading you to a pain-free future.

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