before and after duodenal switch surgery


Often, achieving a significant and lasting weight loss demands more than just diet and exercise. If you’re grappling with obesity and its associated health issues, a Duodenal Switch (DS) might be the answer you’re seeking.

Recognized as one of the most effective bariatric surgeries, this complex but efficient procedure offers potential for the highest amount of weight loss and superior diabetes control, outshining alternatives like gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgeries.

So, what exactly is a Duodenal Switch?

The DS procedure marries two surgical techniques: a sleeve gastrectomy and a bypass of a substantial portion of the small intestine. The first part, the sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing approximately 70-80% of the stomach, transforming it into a slender, banana-shaped ‘sleeve.’ This modification significantly restricts the amount of food intake.

Syringes for Surgery

The second part, the intestinal bypass, reroutes a significant portion of the small intestine. The result is a reduction in the number of calories your body can absorb, even as it continues to allow normal digestion and absorption of essential nutrients.


Substantial Weight Loss

Improved Diabetes Control

Decreased Appetite

Sustained Weight Loss

At Phorma Medical, we perform the Duodenal Switch procedure with precision, leveraging state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly skilled medical professionals. Our comprehensive approach ensures personalized patient care from the initial consultation, throughout the recovery phase, and beyond.

Engage in a Life-Changing 
