Bringing comfort back to your movement

Shoulder Pain Relief

Improve shoulder mobility with stem cell treatment


Bringing comfort back to your movement

Improve shoulder mobility with stem cell treatment

At Phorma Medical, we recognize how important the shoulder is in allowing you to successfully carry out your daily tasks with comfort.  From reaching for something on a high shelf to lifting and moving goods, the shoulder’s health is critical to our everyday life.

 Unfortunately, shoulder injuries may greatly limit our capacity to do these jobs, resulting in unhappiness and a worse quality of life.

Torn rotator cuffs, bursitis, osteoarthritis, and tendinitis are among the most common conditions affecting the shoulder. Each of these disorders may produce serious pain and rigidity, making even basic motions difficult.

 While standard therapies frequently require invasive surgery, Phorma Medical provides a cutting-edge alternative: stem cell therapy.


Torn rotator cuffs, bursitis, osteoarthritis, and tendinitis are among the most common conditions affecting the shoulder. Each of these disorders may produce serious pain and rigidity, making even basic motions difficult.

 While standard therapies frequently require invasive surgery, Phorma Medical provides a cutting-edge alternative: stem cell therapy.

Stem cell treatment is a ground-breaking technique to treating shoulder discomfort, offering a non-invasive alternative for patients suffering from common shoulder disorders. This revolutionary therapy takes use of the body’s inherent healing processes, using stem cells’ remarkable capacity to differentiate into many kinds of specialized cells. When these cells are injected into the wounded shoulder region, they may replace damaged cells while also promoting healthy tissue regeneration.

Benefits of Stem Cell Treatment

Torn Rotator Cuffs

Promotes the regeneration of injured muscles and tendons, restoring ability and strength to the shoulder joint.


Benefitting from stem cells anti-inflammatory characteristics, which help decrease swelling and discomfort.


Reduces or even stops the degradation of the shoulder joint, resulting in a considerable decrease in pain and stiffness.


May reduce inflammation in the tendons, resulting in greater mobility.

At Phorma Medical, we are committed to providing our patients with the most modern and effective options for shoulder pain relief.  Our team of experts is dedicated to assisting you in completely recovering, enabling you to resume your normal activities free of shoulder discomfort. 

If you have shoulder discomfort and want an alternative to invasive surgery, we recommend that you look into stem cell therapy as part of your treatment strategy. Together, we can strive to improve your shoulder’s health and happiness in general.


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